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About Us

Tea Rex is the first French cake milk tea shop in Southampton, UK. All milk tea and cakes are made fresh every day by professional chefs.
Tea Rex是英国南安普敦第一家法式蛋糕奶茶店。 所有的奶茶和蛋糕都是由专业厨师每天新鲜制作的。
Address: 18 bargate street Southampton SO14 2DA

TEA REX cha wei is dedicated to the rejuvenation of tea and exploring more possibilities of drinking tea; moreover, with tea as the original flavour and with the national sentiment of taking the heritage of oriental fine tea as the original heart, it gives consumers from all over the world a new perception of Chinese tea drinking culture.
TEA REX 茶味致力于实现茶的年轻化与探索喝茶的更多可能;更以茶为本味,带着以传承东方精品茶为初心的民族情怀,让来自世界各地的消费者对中国茶饮文化有了新认知。

Address:18 bargate street Southampton SO14 2DA
11:30 AM - 20:30 PM Mon-Sat
11:30 AM - 19:30 PM Sunday
Tea · Rex
Monday - Sunday
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